Friday, March 26, 2010

Transplanting our Family

It wasn't an easy choice to pick up and move our family from Wisconsin, where I have lived my whole life, to Washington ... state that is...

We are moving from this....

To this.... 

So why are we going to move?  That's right.. because we haven't yet.  We have a month (or two) of packing yet before me make the trek half way across the country to Washington, to the home of my Mom and Step-Dad where we'll cram our large family in a 3 bedroom house until we find a home of our own.  (Yep, that's right...  2 people plus 2 dogs being invaded by me, my husband, our four boys and my cousin who is coming along ....  and all our furry loveys ...   That = OVERFLOWING ... 

So the economy stinks right now and my husband is having a hard time finding a decent job here in Wisconsin.  I was born and raised here, lived here my whole life...  it's not easy to think of picking up from everything I know, to something completely different.  But I'm going to do it for my family.   Our oldest son, Moody Teen ... well, he loooooooves Killer Whales.  He is going to be in HEAVEN.   Dolittle, our 8 year old, is named right because he is an animal lover.  This move means he can get the dog he's been begging for (plus Nana & Papa's dogs too) ... He is going to be bringing me every stray animal that he can.  And the Twin Tornados ...  Boo-Boo and Bubba ... well, they will get to be spoiled by grandparents (all four of my parents are right there, Mom, Dad and Step-Parents) ...  It means my husband can (crossing fingers) find a great job in his field...  and that I can have some freedom to work on my books!

In additon, Dolittle and Boo-Boo have medical issues.  We have great DRs here, but it feels like, sometimes, things just aren't taken care of the way they may be if we were in a bigger hospital with stronger care system.  So we'll be visiting Seattle for the Children's Hospital for sure. 

As scary as the move is for all of us (except my husband who is more like a gypsy then anything) ...  we're all excited too!!

Lots more to come!!

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